School Site Council
One of the ways that parents/guardians can be involved at Tulita is by joining the Tulita School Site Council (SSC). Here is an opportunity to share your ideas, learn, and work closely with the faculty.
Specifically, the purposes of the School Site Council are:
Specifically, the purposes of the School Site Council are:
- to develop and implement the school safety plan;
- to review the implementation of the Local Control Accountability Plan, assess its effectiveness, and modify the plan, if necessary; to reflect the changing needs and District/school goals;
- to provide feedback to school personnel in relation to school programs and ideas
2024-2025 School Site Council Members:
- Mr. Marco Inga, parent, 1st year of service
- Ms. Danielle Litman, parent, 1st year of service
- Ms. Lynda Whitman, parent, 1st year of service
- Ms. Sherry Wicker, parent, 1st year of service
- Ms. Zara Jalali, parent, 2nd year of service
- Ms. Sarah Kroon, 3rd Grade Teacher, 1st year of service
- Ms. Chelsea Ruffolo, School Counselor, 1st year of service
- Ms. Katherine Tragus, Kindergarten Teacher, 2nd year of service
- Ms. Lauren Whaley, 4th Grade Teacher, 2nd year of service
- Ms. Alexandra Glunt, Principal
The Tulita SSC is comprised of the school principal, staff/faculty, and 5 parents/guardians who are nominated and elected. Members of the council serve a two-year term and must be parents or legal guardians of students currently attending Tulita.
The SSC position is typically a two-year term (a parent of a fifth-grader is an exception).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Glunt at [email protected]