Our School » Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

1st-5th grade families may use the Valet curb between 8:00-8:15am.
See Valet details.

TK/Kinder families walk their child up to the green or blue gate located by CDC main office by 8:00 am.

All families may park legally in the parking lot or off campus (check city street sweeping signs!) and walk their child through the main side gate and to the classroom.

All families are encouraged to walk to school! We have Walk to School Wednesdays and Walking School Bus routes on Monday and Wednesdays every week.

If you are volunteering or have a previously scheduled appointment, please visit to the office, sign in, and wear a Visitor badge.

Pick-up times:

Grades 1 - 3 dismiss at 2:25pm (1:20 pm on Wednesdays)

Grades 4 - 5 dismiss at 2:35pm (1:30 pm on Wednesdays)

Students who are picked up on foot will be brought out to front grass area near the Kindergarten buildings (blue gate). Parents may pick up their child from this area.

Students who are picked up in the Valet are brought out to front grass area along the parking lot. See Valet details.

Staff ensures that no child leaves the walking or valet area without a parent or guardian unless they have prior permission to walk home.

Children attending CDC, Rec, or an after school class will head directly to their destination after school.
Important Safety Update for Dismissal

If you pick up your child near the Kindergarten building at dismissal time please read this update.

We need your HELP in order to keep all children safe during dismissal time:
  1. Please keep an eye on your child; they should be with you at all times.
  2. The children may NOT climb on walls, trees or ledges.
  3. The children may NOT run or bike on sidewalks.
  4. All children need to keep their hands and feet to themselves. One of our school rules is “hands and feet to self” because this prevents accidental or intentional injury. Please do not let your children wrestle or jump on each other while on school grounds.
  5. Supervise your children at all times.

Thanks for your help in keeping kids safe at school!