Howdy Tulita Parents!
Please join us for a Parents Night Out on Thursday, March 20 from 6 pm at The End (4525 Calle Mayor, Torrance)!
We’ll have a private space with a BBQ catered dinner (veggie options included), Line dancing and a Live Band to entertain throughout the night. Come mingle with fellow Tulita parents and help kick-start the countdown to our Western Carnival Night (on 3/29)! We'd love to see parents from every grade come hang out and have some fun.
Please click the link below for more details, and to secure your spot and order food - $32 per person (adults only please!). Space is limited so be sure to sign up early!
Any questions? Please contact Annette Law, our PTA Parent Social Chair, at
[email protected].
YEE HAW! Mosey on down to PTA's biggest family event of the year—Western Carnival Night!
Join us on Saturday, March 29th, from 3:00-7:00 PM for an unforgettable afternoon of fun for the whole family!
CLICK HERE to buy entry wristbands ($20 kids 3-17yrs; $10 adults).
A HUGE THANK YOU to our generous sponsors who make this event possible!
Presenting Sponsor: Yu & Yu Law
Stage Sponsor: Local Smile Co.
Auction Barn Sponsor: Gillespie Host Group
Mechanical Bull Sponsor: The Gammill Family
Inflatables Sponsors: Jus' Poke, Moskowitz Law Firm, Nextwave x Partners,
Pacific Perinatal Center, Redondo Optometry
Game Booth Sponsors: Anderson, Knox & Clark Roofing, The Avery Family, DKP Designs, EHEZ Electrical,
Empty Clip Studios, Glew Build, Minta Law Group, Newmeyer & Dillion, Playa Orthodontics
Yearbooks are officially on sale! If our kids are anything to go by they LOVE flicking through the pages of current and old yearbooks, so help them preserve memories by ordering a 2024-25 copy!
Purchase your 2024-2025 Tulita Yearbook now for $35.00 + tax. Last day to purchase is 4/11/2025.
With every yearbook purchase you get to create two FREE customized pages to be printed in your child's yearbook only. It's a great way to make their book even more special!
If you have any photos from any school events, or if you would like to share any photos throughout the year for yearbook consideration, please send them (in jpeg format) to [email protected]m
"Ripples Make Waves" and we would love every Tulita student and parent to join the PTA for 2024-25. Please support and become a part of the organization that will bring so many fun experiences to YOUR child this year! So far we have over 600 members (amazing!) and many classes have been treated to a special celebration for reaching 100% membership.
You don't need to attend any meetings, volunteer for any events, or do anything else (even though we would love it if you can!) so if you can do only one thing PTA-related please just
Memberships alone don't nearly cover the costs of putting on all our Tulita PTA events so we RELY on DONATIONS from parents and families. Any amount helps and will make it more likely that we can afford to do everything we've got planned this year. We're suggesting $50 per family, but whatever you can give is appreciated. Thank you Tulita families for supporting ALL of our kids with your donation!
You can click on the link above
OR if you want PTA to keep 100% of your donation without having to pay a transaction fee please drop a check (made payable to "Tulita PTA" with "Donation to PTA" in the memo) into the PTA drop box in the Tulita front office. Thank you!

We have some NEW Tulita Spiritwear this school year and it looks amazing!
Check out our online store at this link:
Items will be delivered to classrooms ASAP.
Thank you to Tulita parent Lilly Crick for doing the design and printing - she has been working tirelessly to get everything made and ready!
Wear your Tidalwave gear with pride and remember that Fridays are "Tulita Blue" days.
BoB is a free, nationwide program which motivates students to read a diverse array of books. Any students in grades 3-5 are invited to join the program at Tulita. The kids read books from a published list over the course of 6 months, and then come together in March to use their knowledge of the texts to "battle" against each other in a team format. It's great fun!
Battle of the Books is around the corner and we are so excited to bring this fun, educational, and energetic event back to Tulita this spring. The 3rd grade battle will be held on Wednesday, March 12th and the 4th/5th grade battle will be held on Wednesday, March 19th at Tulita after school (approx. 1:30-4:00pm).
If your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade child would like to participate in a battle, please register them using the appropriate form in one of the links below. **All kids will need to be registered using this form, regardless of whether you signed them up for BoB at the start of the year.**
- 3rd Grade Battle Registration Form: CLICK HERE (DUE MARCH 3rd)
- 4th/5th Grade BattleRegistration Form: CLICK HERE (DUE MARCH 7th)
Please carefully review this form which contains important information. Also, be on the lookout for how to volunteer during the battles – we need your help to make them happen!
A list of the booklists can be found below and here: 3rd Grade Book List; 4th/5th Grade Book List. Third graders need to read a minimum of 8 out of 18 titles and 4th/5th graders need to read a minimum of 15 out of 28 titles to be eligible to participate in the battles in March.
Happy reading!
We love our teachers and staff! Do you want to buy them the perfect gift to say thank you for being your teacher? Or maybe their birthday is coming up? Click
HERE to find a list of their "favorite things".