Angelique Nitsiotis » Welcome to 2nd Grade with Mrs. Nitsiotis

Welcome to 2nd Grade with Mrs. Nitsiotis

Hello Families,

Welcome to 2nd grade!  I am looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know your child this year. 


I graduated from USC and started my teaching career in Torrance.  After completing my Master's degree at USC, I started my current career in Redondo at Tulita teaching 5th and 6th grade.  


I grew up in the South Bay and now I am living here raising my family.  I love going to the beach, hanging out with my husband and 2 kids and spending time with family and friends.  


I love teaching and believe in the whole child approach; teaching not just academic skills but social and emotional skills as well.  In this classroom we practice positive thinking, being polite and kind and showing gratitude.


Second grade is an exciting time for students.  It is a transition year where students become more independent and grow as learners.  


I look forward to an amazing year!



Angelique Nitsiotis