Mrs. Melisa Martin » WHY I TEACH!


I teach because I love to learn.

I teach because it challenges me to grow.

I teach because I had great teachers who inspired me.

I teach because every day is different.

I teach because our students can make a difference.

I teach because it allows me to be creative every day.

I teach because I can model what it looks like to fail, not freak out and try again.

I teach because I want an excuse to read stories and talk about them.

I teach because Third grade students are hilarious.

I teach because technology is creating exciting new ways to communicate, collaborate and create.

I teach because students deserve a safe space to learn and engage with their peers.

I teach because I don’t have to sit at a desk.

I teach because 9 days out of 10 I leave school with a smile on my face.

I teach because I like to listen and I want every student to know their voice matters.

I teach because I get to experience the thrill of “ah ha” moments all the time!

This is my favorite way to end the summer and get ready for school. It always makes me thankful to have chosen this profession. I’m so lucky to wake up every morning excited to go to work.